Case Results

Dismissal After Diversion

August 2024

Law Offices of Christian L. Woods, APC is pleased to announce that one of our client's, who received a misdemeanor charge in Orange County Superior Court, successfully had their case dismissed today after diversion terms were successfully completed! There was no jail time or probation based on completion of the diversion terms, received after discussing the case with the City Attorney's Office. 

Practice area(s): Criminal Defense

Court: Orange County Superior Court

The Law Offices of Christian L. Woods, APC Is Here for You

At Law Offices of Christian L. Woods, APC, we focus on Traffic Matters including Misdemeanor Traffic Tickets, Infraction Traffic Tickets and Commercial Driver Traffic Tickets, as well as Lemon Law. We are here to listen to you and help you navigate the legal system.

Contact Us Today

The Law Offices of Christian L. Woods, APC is committed to answering your questions about Traffic Matters including Misdemeanor Traffic Tickets, Infraction Traffic Tickets and Commercial Driver Traffic Tickets, as well as Lemon Law throughout Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County and Riverside County. We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.